Let's talk robotics with Andrew Davies

Joining me in today’s episode is Andrew Davies. Andrew is the founder and CEO of Taz Drones and we had a great chat about:

  • Growing up in Tasmania

  • Was it hard to start a technology company in a small rural town? 

  • Are you self-funded? How many people work for you?

  • What support is there in Tasmania for start-ups?  

  • What are some key problems you've solved using drones in Tasmania? 

  • Where do you see the industry going in Tasmania, Australia and the rest of the world? 

  • What's next for Taz Drones? 

  • How did the inaugural drone summit in Tasmania go? 

  • Do you have a mentor?

  • Any closing comments for our listeners today?  Where can they reach you?

Contact Andrew at andrew@tazdronesolutions.com.

Let's talk robotics with Andrew Davies
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