Let's talk robotics with Mick Liubinskas

Joining me in today’s episode of Let's talk robotics is Mick Liubinskas is a high-energy, technology builder, investor, author, speaker and industry leader. He is now focused on supporting, growing and investing in climate-related technology to help the world get to and beyond net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.

His new book, a novel to inspire teenage girls into the world of STEM, called She’s Building A Robot is coming out in November 2020. It is accompanied by a series of interviews with women with careers in robotics, technology, science and maths.

He programmed his Commodore 64 at age 8, sold computer networks at age 17, raised capital for a business at 22 and ran marketing globally for Kazaa at 26.

For the past 18 years he has co-founded 4 technology startup companies, including three years in San Francisco. This has included evaluating 1,000’s of ideas, building first products, getting first customers, launching globally, raising capital, closing businesses, selling businesses and all the emotional rollercoaster rides in between.

Some notable contributions:

  • Pollenizer (co-founder) which started 25 companies.

  • Startmate (co-founding investor and mentor).

  • Spreets (advisor and investor) which sold to Yahoo for ~$40m in 13 months.

  • muru-D (co-founder) which was Telstra’s tech accelerator which invested in 200 businesses across Australia and South East Asia

Mick is known as Mr Focus due to his strong drive for starting small and fast, doing fast testing on the road to success and avoiding the entrepreneurial distractions. He, Phil and the team from Pollenizer wrote a workbook called Startup Focus which sold 5,000 copies.

Mick is currently Partner and Director of Product and Growth at BCG Digital Ventures.

He’s also loves being a dad, surfing, playing football (the round ball variety) and singing bad karaoke.

 Contact Mick at mick@liubinskas.com

Get a copy of his book here.


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